Using tflint with IntelliJ

I’ve recently been working on a Terraform code base which has grown organically overtime and also been worked on by a number of different people. This means there are naturally some aspects which can be improved upon.

Some really basic things which could be improved :

  • declare variable types
  • give useful descriptions for variables
  • remove unused variables (copy/paste from other places)
  • basic formatting consistency (terraform fmt)

tflint - as a tool can detect the first three with the relevant rules enabled.

What I wanted was this functionality available in the IDE I am using to edit the Terraform code as I can fix issues as I work on a specific module/environment.

Setup instructions

  1. Install tflint (I’m working on a Macbook)

    brew install tflint
  2. Ensure you have tflint setup correctly

    I have my tflint config file in this location ~/tflint.hcl and at the time of writing have the following rules enabled :

    config {
      plugin_dir = "~/.tflint.d/plugins"
      disabled_by_default = false
    rule "terraform_comment_syntax" {
      enabled = true
    rule "terraform_deprecated_index" {
      enabled = true
    rule "terraform_documented_outputs" {
       enabled = true
    rule "terraform_documented_variables" {
      enabled = true
    rule "terraform_naming_convention" {
      enabled = false
    rule "terraform_required_providers" {
      enabled = true
    rule "terraform_required_version" {
      enabled = true
    rule "terraform_deprecated_interpolation" {
      enabled = true
    rule "terraform_typed_variables" {
      enabled = true
    rule "terraform_unused_declarations" {
      enabled = true
    plugin "aws" {
        enabled = true
        version = "0.12.0"
        source  = ""

    You can check it is working my manually running it against an example file with content below :

    variable "test" {
      description = "test variable"

    If you run the following command you should expect to see the warnings below if tflint is working correctly : tflint

    ➜  ~ tflint
    2 issue(s) found:
    Warning: `test` variable has no type (terraform_typed_variables)
      on /tmp/ line 1:
       1: variable "test" {
    Warning: variable "test" is declared but not used (terraform_unused_declarations)
      on /tmp/ line 1:
       1: variable "test" {
  3. Install IntelliJ

    Grab it from here IntelliJ Download Page

  4. Install the HCL and LSP IntelliJ Plugins

    • Navigate to Preferences -> Plugins
    • Search for HCL and install the Terraform and HCL plugin
    • Search for LSP and install the LSP Support plugin

    Your installed plugins should look similar to the screen grab below.


  5. Create an association for the language server

    Open Preferences -> Language & Frameworks -> Language Server Protocol -> Server Definitions

    Create an association as shown in the screenshot below :


  6. Restart IntelliJ

  7. Load the same we used earlier and check we now get code highlighting of our issues without our IDE
